Welcome to the Colony – an exclusive stand-alone prologue to the Gothic 1 Remake. Take your first step into the world of this genre-defining classic RPG by experiencing an entirely new story: the first day of a fresh inmate in the prison colony.

In this sneak peek into the immersive world of Gothic, you’ll embark on a short quest that introduces the atmosphere, iconic characters, and the opening area of the game. Explore the colony at your own pace – talk to fellow inmates, uncover secrets, and engage in combat as you get a taste of what’s to come.

Steps on how to get “Gothic 1 Remake – Demo (Nyras Prologue)”:

  1. Visit this Website (GOG)
  2. Visit this Website (Steam)
  3. Click on „Add to cart“ or „Install Demo“
  4. Complete the steps
  5. Install and Enjoy!

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